Buffalo Still Standing is an initiative by The Upper Room Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Food Pantry. The non-profit was founded by Mrs. Sylvia Edwards in 1993 and is one of the oldest, thriving food pantries on Buffalo’s east side. The Upper Room Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Food Pantry located at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Florida Street. Since opening, the organization has serviced thousands of families and community members, providing food, toys, coats, healthcare resources, and neighborhood recreation.
After the tragic shooting massacre that killed 10 innocent black people at Tops Markets, the Upper Room COGIC Food Pantry increased its days and hours of operation to accommodate the overwhelming need for nutritious foods and personal care items for families and community members affected by the closing of the only major neighborhood grocery store.In the following weeks, the food pantry staff and church members desired to create an atmosphere where locals could gather and hear sounds of hope and inspiration. So, having a rich history of community-building through outreach, music, and arts, The Upper Room COGIC Food Pantry hosted The Buffalo Still Standing Relief Concert.
Still Standing

The Buffalo Still Standing Concert is a high-energy, outdoor event featuring performances by local and national acts to encourage communities throughout the City of Buffalo and promote attitudes of resilience while reducing fear.The inspirational event happens at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Florida Street in the Canisius College Spillman Lot. The Buffalo Still Standing Concert brings awareness to an eastside community, demonstrating that it exists beyond tragedy and is filled with growing families, budding businesses, and lively worship centers.

Upcoming Events
- Sun, Jul 09Canisius Spillman Lot (near Upper Room)
Thank you to the 2023 sponsors.